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Class Facilitation: Creating a great written assessment

After your first session with a new learner, an AI-generated assessment will summarize their skill level and suggest a plan for future sessions. This helps families see the value of working with you and plays a key role in their decision to subscribe! If an assessment isn’t generated, you may need to complete it manually.


How to fill out an assessment

  • Deadline: You must submit the assessment on the same day as the trial session—you have until midnight to complete it.
  • How to Access: Click the “Fill assessment” link next to the learner’s details in your tutoring portal. (This button only appears for Trial Classes, not for regular subscriber sessions.)


What to include in your written assessment

Your assessment should give the parent a clear sense of their child’s level in the subject, and what you’d work on in future classes. Make sure to include the following:

  • Class overview: What did you do during the lesson?
  • Areas of strength: What did the learner do well?
  • Areas of improvement: Where can the learner improve?
  • Recommendations: resources to work on between sessions
  • Work plan: A brief plan for the coming weeks. How will you help the learner improve in the subject?

While you’re not required to submit an assessment for ongoing classes, tracking learners’ progress is a great way to keep their families in the loop. Here’s a progress report template you can use.


Frequently asked questions

Q: When are assessments generated?

A: Assessments are automatically generated at least 45 minutes after a session ends

Q: Why wasn’t an assessment generated for my trial class?

A: There are two main reasons why an assessment may not be auto-generated:

  • The session was too short, so there wasn’t enough information for the AI to summarize
  • There were connection issues or technical problems during the session

If neither of these issues occurred and your assessment was still not generated, please contact Customer Support to report the issue

Q: What if the student did not attend the class?

A: If the learner is absent, you do not need to complete an assessment

  • Wait 12 minutes—if no one joins, you can turn off your mic and camera and use the extra time to prep for future classes.

Q: What if the student joins but I do not facilitate the class?

A: There may be times that a family joins very late and you don’t facilitate a class, but spend time chatting. You do not need to fill out an assessment for these situations.

Q: Do I need to inform Customer Support if a student didn’t attend?

A: No, you do not need to inform Customer Support. You may still receive a Trial Class Assessment reminder email, but you can ignore it—there’s no action needed since no assessment is required for an absent student


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