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Reliability: How do cancellations or no-shows impact me as a tutor?

Our system prioritizes tutors with fewer no-shows and cancellations when assigning trials and new opportunities, as that’s one of the attributes families value most. If you maintain a low rate of no-shows and cancellations, you’ll be rewarded with more opportunities, such as additional trials or the chance to become a substitute tutor.

Frequently asked questions

Q: How are you defining a class cancellation?
A: A cancellation is any planned class that doesn’t take place due to a tutor adding an OOO day, using the Urgent Tutor Contact Form, or permanently adjusting their availability.

Q: Does my cancellation rate include both trial classes and subscription classes?
Yes, both trials and subscription classes are counted in your cancellation rate.

Q: I tell my families in advance when I’m unable to make a class. Does that still count towards my cancellation rate?
A: Right now, even if you reschedule a class or give advance notice, it does still count toward your cancellation rate.

Q: Does this cancellation rate include classes that the family canceled?
A: No, the rate we’re sharing with tutors refers only to classes canceled by the tutor.

Q: What’s the impact that cancellations and no-shows have on the number of trials I get assigned?
A: When we assign a tutor to a new trial, our system generally prioritizes those with fewer cancellations and no-shows. We don’t use any specific number or percentage to determine this. Instead, our system compares available tutors for that particular trial based on factors like time, grade, subject, and specializations.

Q: Do no-shows and cancellations count equally toward the number of trials I receive?
A: No. No-shows carry a greater weight than cancellations. For instance, when assigning a trial, our system will prioritize a tutor with one cancellation over a tutor with one no-show.

Q: Why are substitute tutoring opportunities only given to tutors with low cancellation and no-show rates?
A: We want to ensure that students have a consistent and positive experience. Tutors with few cancellations and no-shows are ideal for these time-sensitive roles, where students already experienced a prior cancellation.

Q: Will my current reliability affect opportunities in the future?
A: Yes. Our system evaluates reliability on a rolling basis. For example, if you improve your reliability, you’ll become eligible for more trial assignments and additional opportunities.

Q: How many months are taken into consideration when analyzing no-shows and cancellations?
A: We use data spanning multiple months. The exact number depends on factors like how long a tutor has been with Dojo Tutor or how many classes they teach each month.

Q: Where have policies been updated to reflect this change?
A: We’ve updated the following resources:



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