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How to cancel a Trial Class

If you change your mind and decide to completely cancel your scheduled trial session, you can do it from your Dojo Tutor online account in just a few clicks.

Keep this in mind before we get started!

Cancel the class at least 24 hours before the scheduled start time to get a full refund. Class canceled in less than 24 hours may not be eligible for a refund as the assigned tutor would have been paid for the session.


Let's Go

Canceling a class from your mobile phone

  1. Log in to your Dojo Tutor online account
  2. From your class card, click the three buttons in the upper right corner and select 'Cancel Class' from the dropdown
  3. Click the 'Yes, cancel class' button to confirm the cancelation
  4. You will receive an email confirming the cancelation and you're all set!

Canceling a class from your computer

  1. Log-in to your Dojo Tutor online accountmceclip11.png
  2. From your class card, click the three buttons in the upper right corner and select 'Cancel Class' from the dropdown
  3. Click the 'Yes, cancel class' button to confirm the cancelation
  4. You will also receive an email to confirm the cancelationmceclip2.png



If you would like to schedule a new trial session in the future, simply log-in to your Dojo Tutor online account to book a new session. 


Still have questions? Contact our Customer Support team for more assistance.





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