Q: How can I contact my tutor personally?
A: To protect our tutors' and parents' privacy, we do not disclose any personal contact details. We also do not disclose parents’ personal information to teachers. If you'd like to contact your teacher between sessions, please contact our Customer Support team (at tutoring-support@classdojo.com) and they will be happy to assist.
Q: How can I send homework or advance lessons for the next session to my tutor?
A: Our tutors would be glad to review homework, and exam results or discuss specific topics you want to cover for the next session. Reach out to our Customer Support team so they can relay any notes or messages you may have for your child's tutor before the next session.
Q: How can I change my tutor?
A: We want your child's tutor to be a perfect fit for their needs! If you're not satisfied with your child's current tutor, you can always ask for a new tutor by reaching out to our Customer Support team. We'll get you set up!
Q: How can I add more classes to my weekly subscription?
A: While you're not currently able to add or remove classes from your subscription in your Parent Dashboard, our Customer Experience team will be happy to complete this request for you. Make sure to let them know what day and time of the week you'd like to class added so they can check your tutor's availability.
Q: How can I add a one-time class to my subscription?
A: There may be instances when you need a one-off class added on top of your weekly schedule, maybe due to a test coming up and your child could use some extra review time. You can contact our Customer Support team to set up for you.
Note: The class will have a one-time $30 charge and will depend on the tutor's availability.
Q: How can I sign up for a new subject or add another child to my weekly subscription?
A: You can sign in to your Dojo Tutor online account, click the menu setting located at the upper right corner of your screen, and select 'Book a Trial Class'. You may also follow this article for a step-by-step guide.
Q: How can I cancel one of my weekly classes?
A: You can cancel a single class through your Dojo Tutor Online account. Note that if you are looking to cancel multiple classes, you need to complete the request one class at a time. You may also follow this article for a step-by-step guide.
Q: How can I increase or decrease the number of classes we take weekly?
A: Adding more classes or taking out some days permanently to your weekly subscription is easy! Reach out to our Customer Support team and they will be happy to update the frequency of your subscription.
Q: How can I pause my weekly classes?
A: You can pause your weekly subscription through your Dojo Tutor Online account. You can only pause the subscription for up to 4 weeks. After the 4 weeks elapse, all charges and classes will automatically resume. If you need to resume the classes ahead of your pause date, please contact our Customer Support team for assistance. You can also follow this article for a step-by-step guide.
Q: How can I cancel my subscription?
A: You can cancel your entire subscription anytime from your Dojo Tutor Online account.